Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Is Pole Dancing In My Future?

I have spent the last 15 years sore and tired. Literally. When I tell you that I have been to every type of doctor and tried every gimmick in the hopes of getting my life back I would not be exaggerating.

As bad as the fatigue was or the weight gain and swelling or the lack of energy, dealing with Fibromyalgia was the worst of it. I had chronic pain and was suffering with depression…All the time. Silently most days.

Walking a short distance was like dragging my body through a desert. I haven’t been able to exercise at all and don’t “move” much anymore. When a friend of mine started telling me about these vitamin thingies, a shake and a patch there was a heavy eye roll as yet another pyramid product was out there and to me, another let down for something that didn’t work.

What got me was her saying “It gives me too much energy so I had to cut the shake in half”. 
Too much energy!??? Is that like too much sunshine? Too much money??

She got me…my interest was piqued. I’m in the market for too much energy.

My box of product arrived and I ripped that sucker open and laid it out on the counter for the next morning. I was scared to get my hopes up. It sounds dramatic but I no longer felt like I was living. I might live to be 80 but I felt like I was slowly dying. Every movement and getting out of bed took everything in me to do.

I woke up in the morning and took the 2 pills (vitamin thingies) waited 20 minutes and mixed the shake with water and then slapped on my patch. I ordered the supped up patches that have a mood enhancer. Your welcome family ;)  I didn’t expect to feel any different right away as these things probably take time, if ever. I'm such a skeptic. It was a matter of hours when I realized that I was walking normally. I forgot what that felt like. Nothing hurt. I tried not to cry as I didn’t want this to go away. 

Day 3 I felt alive again. I have energy, my body doesn’t hurt and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. 

Day 5 my husband just laughs at me…”Who are you”?

Day 10 which was a Sunday, my only day off. Usually, I wake up, drag my ass to the living room, crawl into the corner of the couch with a big blanket, and shut down. I sip tea and watch trash on TV with all the intentions to clean, do laundry, groceries and prep for the week and perhaps, even put on pants. That never happens. This time, I woke up before the dogs and jumped in the shower. I put pants on, went out to breakfast and then shopping, and came home to cook a big batch of sauce to freeze. Wait, what?

Day 12 I’m a believer. Don’t ask me the science behind it! You can read about that and make your own interpretation. I have always known that I was deficient in vitamins and minerals but hated the 50 bottles of supplements I had to store and more importantly to remember when to take them. Which I never did! Hence, the shut down and ‘Pant less Sundays’. I'm sure it's a thing and I didn't make it up.

My biggest revelation? I haven’t been sad since I started on this. I wasn't always sad about anything in particular. Just life. It's been a tough one. I've lost a lot in the last year and yet...I'm good. Who would of thought? 

I have 2 jobs, 2 dogs, 2 kids and a husband and no extra time on my hands, so I won’t be filling my social media trying to get you all to join me but if you are curious click the link below. I don’t have a group page but if you order, I get credits towards my purchase. And if you get friends to join, you get free stuff too.  Ah! I see the pyramid playing out in my head now. Did I mention I am blonde AND tired? #deadlycombination
So that’s it! I actually have no clue what is in this stuff and should probably educate myself! I will get on that right away.

It’s expensive as hell (considering I'm a cheap ass) and I may need to start stripping to pay for it but at least I will have the energy to swing around the pole.

Wanna Thrive? Jo's LE-VEL link


  1. Way to go Jo. Love ❤️ you and proud of everything you have discarded in your life lately. You just had to be determined to get rid of the garbage for change to come in. Did I mention how proud and loved you are? You got this.
