Tuesday, December 8, 2015

This is cheaper than Therapy!

I figure that instead of sitting at my desk having full blown arguments with myself on how I have allowed my life to unfold...I would start a blog. I can't find the time to pee during the course of the day but I figure that my mental state is much more important than the health of my kidneys and bladder. When they give out, I always have the option of adult diapers...but if I don't tame the beast that has been let loose in my mind, it won't matter whether or not I pee myself.

So How do I write up a little ditty on me? How do I let you see the trailer of my life thus far? Hmmm...well...I'm 43, I have 3 kids and a boyfriend (of 6 years) I work full time at a college and do photography on the side. Mmmmm...sounds so yummy and vanilla, right? {Insert the sound of the screeching of a needle scraping across a vinyl} Not so much...therefore my need to Blog.

If any of you have ever seen the show ally mcbeal ... you will have an idea of what it's like to live inside my head. I always refer to myself as being mute...blocked...scared to speak. It's horrible. But you know what would be even more 'Horrible'? If the flood gates opened and everything in there came out uncontrolled...hahaha...the thought of it makes me chuckle. It would be a "shit storm".

I will be honest with you, I have no idea what I am doing. I have seen blogs and followed them/subscribed to them and they usually consist of how to decorate for the holidays or how to make scrumptious cupcakes that will piss off the other class Mom's but I don't know if this type of thing is the norm. I guess we'll see.

Thanks for listening...sorry in advance for sucking the life out of you and your welcome in advance if I helped you in any way to realize you are not alone.

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